Records Management Services

Managing the records functions for your organization may be one of the most stressful parts of your job. With this, you may have considered outsourcing some or all your records processes. Before you take this leap, there are things you should consider.


Outsourcing professionals will ensure you stay on the leading edge of the latest technologies and reduce your overall risk.

Your records personnel and the outsource team will band together to ensure you receive the best product.

You don’t have to hire employees since your new team is now contractor-driven and comes at a lower labor cost.

Work may get done faster as the outsource team will only focus on its functions.

Overall work efforts are more targeted as you now can plan more projects than you would have been able to do previously.

Overall savings may be achieved as the outsource professionals may have a lower cost of operation.

You can outsource all or part of an overall function, i.e., offsite records only as opposed to all your administrative functions.


You may lose some control over your records as some functions may be performed differently than you are accustomed.

Communications between your personnel and the outsourced team can be unclear at times, especially if some functions are performed offsite.

There may be quality issues if the final product is not entirely what you expected. The outsource team may be focused on cutting costs which may reduce your quality.

Outsourcing can have a bad reputation as some employees may be displaced as a result.

There may be a risk of losing sensitive data so confidentiality needs to always be at the top of your list of considerations.

When considering outsourcing your records functions, you need to partner with a records consultant to get all the facts before deciding what approach is best for your organization.

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