Attorneys are hired for their expertise and authority. Law firms need to showcase their deep understanding of the issues faced by clients. True experts are able to differentiate themselves from the competition and earn the trust of their clients. One of the best ways to promote this expertise and authority is effective content marketing — and law librarians can support that effort. When building or revising a content marketing strategy, consider these guidelines:

  • Focus on thought-leadership content—Clients are seeking trusted advisors who know how to translate information into thoughtful analysis and actionable advice.
  • Remember your audience—Writers should use language to get a point across, and avoid the use of extensive legalese and terms of art. Communicate in a way that ensures someone without a legal background can understand the message.
  • Connect with people—Add personality to your writing because this keeps people reading. Try to provide the right message at the right time.
  • Collaborate with clients to provide value—Be sure to answer the questions or address the issues which are important to your readers. Providing expert advice enhances client service when clients need this information and can take action. Provide insight that they want.
  • Add something different— Evaluate a novel question or analyze a new angle. The audience may benefit from cross-practice content. Collaborate with different practice areas to provide more robust and deeper analysis.
  • Consider changing the types of content you offer–Perhaps clients would benefit from receiving crucial information in a different format. In addition to blogs and client alerts, consider offering webinars, podcasts, live stream videos, and live chat Q&A sessions.
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Attorneys can build and enhance relationships by providing value added content to those who need their expertise and understanding. Knowledgeable law librarians have the research and analytical skills to locate and identify the background information and materials needed to contribute to superior content and analysis.

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