It is budget season at many law firms and other organizations. Department heads, firm administrators, and budget committees are examining 2020 revenue year-to-date, anticipating year-end and factors for the coming year, developing budget assumptions for 2021, and poring over spreadsheets. If your legal information professional isn’t a C-suite executive or otherwise deeply engaged in the strategic planning and budgeting at the firm already, here are some suggestions for the sort of information-sharing and communication that will enable your librarian to prepare the best-informed budget proposal possible.

Are there plans for practice area growth or reduction, whether in size or types of practice groups? Changes to the size or focus of practice groups will affect the library spend for information resources. Plans to retool practice areas in response to the legal changes arising from the pandemic will probably have a corresponding impact on information needs. 

Is there a commitment to across-the-board spending cuts? The bulk of your expenses for information resources (print or digital) may be controlled by contracts with restrictions on cancellations. It will take coordination with users of the materials as well as dialogue with vendors.

Is the firm committed to more or total migration to digital? There may be sizeable differences between the price tag for print v. digital and whether that will be a savings or an expense varies by title and product. In the end, digital may be not only logical, but a necessity, and your librarian will gather the costs associated with the shift.

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Is this the year for a willingness to drop all duplicative resources? Firms often purchase multiple copies of publications, have access to some of the same titles in print as well as online, and have similar, overlapping resources from different publishers. If the organization is ready to bite this bullet, your information professional will be able to identify potential savings opportunities.

Is there something in another department’s budget that should move to the library? Perhaps various groups or departments manage their own subscriptions and practice area-specific information resources. The firm could realize savings by centralizing purchases and eliminating duplication.

Communication and information sharing is the key to good budget proposals, including establishment of assumptions and goals before entering figures on a spreadsheet or simply assuming a 5% increase or decrease.

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