We have so much to keep track of, from our personal lives with our partners, children, and household to our daily commute to the stresses and demands of our work to society around us. All of that pressure can cause us to devote more time to some areas while devoting less to others. If the workplace is the area of focus that gets shortchanged, you need to be more organized in order to keep things under control and to keep you moving ahead productively.

Organization comes easy to some but is very difficult for others.  When someone’s office looks cluttered, it can give impression that they’re disorganized. That’s not necessarily true; some people whose physical space is filled with piles know exactly where everything is. That is their way of being organized. The organized person, you would think, is the one who has a clean desk, a tidy office, and appears focused, working on one task or project at a time. Yet that person might be far from organized. And records management is just one aspect of organization.

There are a few simple steps to being, and staying, organized – from the records management consultants at Accufile.

Make a daily list. A list will identify the areas that need your attention. From that, you can indicate the tasks that need your attention versus the ones that can wait. This also allows you to keep track of what needs to be accomplished.

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Prioritize work tasks. Work first on the tasks that need to get finished today, whether that’s a component of a large project or time-sensitive smaller tasks.  If your list is complete and you stay on it, you will never be behind the eight ball.

Stay balanced. Balance lies somewhere between “family comes first” and having your nose to the grindstone. Neglecting health and family will catch up with you if your laser focus is on getting ahead in your profession. Take a break, stretch, walk around, and reflect on the balance that’s right for you in the long run. 

Be happy.  Find satisfaction in your work. When you make progress incrementally and complete the smaller, easier tasks to your satisfaction, you will build confidence and habits that will serve you well as you tackle larger projects.  

Organization is a mindset. It comes easy to some, but it’s attainable by others with a little structure and practice.

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