It is apparent in the new age of the COVID pandemic that many more people are working from home and will be for the foreseeable future. This new environment warrants and, frankly, demands rigorous attention to cybersecurity and implementation of Penetration Testing (PenTest) and/or Breach Attack Simulation (BAS). The PenTest and BAS are not only necessary to keep your company’s assets secure, but also to safeguard your invaluable employees. If you are not sure how a PenTest or a BAS works, you are reading the right blog and have taken an important first step.

A PenTest simulates a cyber-attack on your systems using numerous methods of attack. This test checks the security of your systems and identifies vulnerabilities and strengths. The test can expose disruptions, misdirected services, and identifies data breaches. It answers the question: Can a potential attacker gain access to your systems, steal data, or even hold your systems hostage?

A PenTest normally takes one to three weeks to ensure success with the timeframe based on scope and type of testing. Most companies performing these tests can customize testing to your organization’s size, budget, and priorities. Complimentary trial tests to demonstrate proof of concept are an option. The types of PenTest categories include:

  • Network – traffic, routers, credentials
  • Web – applications on both server and client side
  • Wireless – network configurations and mobile devices
  • Social – phishing, baiting, malware
  • Physical – building access, trash, eavesdropping
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As with most types of testing, the PenTest has stages:

  • Planning – goal definition
  • Scanning – tool utilization identification
  • Access – description of exposed vulnerabilities
  • Maintain – evaluating ability to consistently gain access
  • Analysis – leveraging results to make strategic changes

A Breach Attack Simulation (BAS)* is a more comprehensive version of the PenTest. The BAS allows an organization to:

Gain visibility into your security posture –The results of a simulated attack provide visibility into your security gaps and can be performed continuously or on-demand 24×7.

Improve your security stance– Organizations can get prioritized insights on gaps and take appropriate countermeasures.

Validate security controls– New technology, policy changes, or software updates can be tested to assess their impact.

Meet compliance mandates– Regulations and standards requiring security testing can be easily met, including PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, GDPR, CCPA, 23 NYCRR 500 and ISO 27001.

Improve security purchase process– Security teams can compare products and demonstrate their effectiveness or identify gaps optimizing budget return on investment.

Test against the latest emerging threats– Imminent attacks are detected as they emerge.

Assess security continuously – Organizations can assess their security posture on an ongoing basis with the latest data.

Reduce dependence on manual methods– While manual pentesting and red teaming are highly effective, they provide only point-in-time snapshots that become outdated very quickly. They also tend to be costly and may not be practical.

Understand cyber threats’ modus operandi– This includes where in the attack kill chain a potential threat may be successful in circumventing security controls.

Enhance transparency on security performance– Security performance alerts, as well as technical- and executive-level actionable reports, increase transparency, harmonizing efforts across teams and management.

Test Security Operations Center (SOC) response processes– Executing simulated attacks ensures that your SOC team is identifying attacks and responding appropriately. Simulation results can be used to generate security alerts in the SOC.

The purpose of the PenTest and BAS is to identify flaws in your systems, whatever their origin. The flaws may have been in your organization from initial setup or may be newly caused from the work from home environment. Whatever the case, failure to perform a PenTest/BAS on a frequent basis sets your company and employees up for disaster. Thinking that you can do this yourself, you have this “covered” because you have not had any issues or this can wait is flawed logic. When the results of failing to PenTest or BAS your systems finally hit, it can generate enormous unforeseen costs and threaten the livelihood of your business. Choose an experienced and trusted company who specializes in this kind of consulting. They can advise you on how the PenTest and BAS works, what steps to take and customize a solution. Act now and do not let your organization’s name make the next headline!

* Thanks to Tim Horigan, Vice President of Channels, North America, Cymulate for providing details about the benefits of a BAS.

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