As the axiom goes, nothing is certain, except death and taxes. It seems that records are in that same category: you can handle them better or worse but you can’t avoid them. Here are some approaches from Accufile’s records management consulting services team that you can apply to your records management projects.

Importance of Records Management

We’ve all been in the office that looks like it was hit by a bomb. Staff cannot locate needed records and paper records are spilling out of file drawers and boxes.  Chaos reigns. Records organization is the answer, permitting you to monitor the progress of your business, prepare financial statements, know the sources of your income, keep track of expenses, make the right decisions, document your actions, and prepare for litigation.


A good records management professional is a meticulous, cautious individual who takes pride in being organized and is above the fray, able to locate exactly what you need and with no agenda beyond delivering effective, efficient records management services.  Any other person in this position usually flounders and moves on as the task is overwhelming and unsuited to their strengths.

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The Reluctance to Paralysis Continuum

Anybody can implement a records storage process; it takes more discipline to destroy records. Some people still rely on paper records storage; they must see it and hold it. Many managers will not approve the destruction of any records because they are afraid of destroying something that they might need, or don’t know how to retain digitally. I call this common approach, “destruction paralysis.” “Reluctance to destroy” is another term to describe a lot of organizations. While less crippling, it is limiting nonetheless.

Follow Your Record Retention Schedule

If you have a document retention policy, abide by it.  Holding onto records after their destruction date is costly – especially if you’re paying for offsite records storage services, and its also and makes your job harder; your inventory will grow and become unmanageable.  Once you get into a rhythm of destroying records every year, it will get easier and you will have a leg to stand on when someone is looking for documents from decades ago.

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