Efficient use of electronic document management workflow processes has become more than just a short-term band-aid remedy during the current pandemic. Change in how companies manage their information using technology and process improvement has now become a major transitional reality for the future. During the pandemic, businesses still want to experience growth, maintain continuity, ensure their information is protected, increase efficiencies, and retain employees. Although these goals are the same as in the past, it is now exponentially more important to use available technology to ensure these objectives are achieved. The ability for a company to be agile and flexible while maintaining stability is crucial to growth and success.

To grow a business during the pandemic, marketing and sales teams are expanding their use of technology and document management solutions. They are using a variety of evolving meeting software technologies such as Zoom and Google Meet to supplant in-person meetings. Managing information using workflow technology has also increased. This involves use of well-communicated processes for managing electronically stored data to help to create new business opportunities, leverage growth potential from existing customers, and retain existing clients. Quick access to well-organized information about your clients and prospects is critical to growth and keeping your pipeline full and moving.

Efficiently using document workflow systems and developing processes is not limited to sales and marketing efforts. It should be looked at as a company-wide initiative to create solutions that benefit and unify all departments and therefore maintain the continuity of the entire business — present and future.

Increasing employee productivity and retaining valuable employees is critical during these times. “Sixty-seven percent of the workforce is now working remotely on a regular basis.”1 A company should improve its customer and employee experience through efficient use of technology and processes. The company should apply these improvements by simply making it easier for employees to work remotely while efficiently managing activity levels. Communicating changing human resource policies, issuing new hire paperwork, maintaining records, and sharing files in an easy-to-access platform helps support employees and makes them feel unified with the company. The proper use of electronic workflow processes creates a reality and perception to your customers and employees that you are organized, can find information easily, and have invested in their future.

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A good example of utilizing document management processes and technology is its application for contract management. Companies are now using more contract management software to have their contracts reside in digital databases as opposed to paper files. The use of e-signatures, client portals, and storing contracts in the cloud has greatly improved creation, access, and expedited completion of contracts. Using technological processes can also be employed to make sense of your data by extracting specific, accurate, and timely information from your contracts, leveraging artificial Intelligence solutions to comb through metadata. Agility, flexibility, and growth are the result of investing in new document workflow technology and processes. Now, more than ever, these have become tremendously valuable business assets to both your customers and your employees.

1 How Digital Document Processes Are Shifting From Best Practices to Business Necessity, Forrester Consulting, August 2020

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