Every week you have the pleasure of reading many informative Blog posts from my talented team and colleagues. However, this week I wish to take a moment to pause, and reflect with a personal message of thanks. You’ll find Thanksgiving messages from some of my team below as well.
As we all approach our Thanksgiving holiday, I have particularly taken stock and reflected on many things for which I am thankful, especially so this year. Many organizations, including Accufile, have changed profoundly during the past 18-24 months.
Due to the incredible efforts of my talented and skilled colleagues and fellow teammates, Accufile has not only successfully maintained, but expanded our service offerings. Thank you!
I wish to extend thanks to our trusted and valued partners, vendors, and friends. Thank you!
Of course, it is so very important to offer my gratitude and thanks to our wonderful and valued clients. Your continued commitment, trust, and support of Accufile are so very appreciated. Thank you!
From all of us at Accufile, we extend our wishes to you all for a Happy, Healthy, and Festive Thanksgiving! (Nicholas H Ypsilantis, President & Chief Executive Officer)
Carol Allison, Senior Law Librarian
After many years working full-time in larger firm libraries, I find it rewarding to serve some of Accufile’s smaller law firm clients who benefit from the services of an experienced librarian on a part-time basis. As an Accufile employee, I am able to work independently with my firms while enjoying the support and friendship of the accomplished professionals on the Accufile team.
Accufile also supports continued learning through membership in professional organizations which enhances our value to our clients. I am grateful to Accufile for giving me the opportunity to continue my professional work with the flexibility of a part-time schedule.
Kerry Lister, Interim Director, Research Solutions
I am so grateful to have landed at such a great company that truly appreciates its employees. As a Librarian, working remotely on a virtual research desk provides so much flexibility and the opportunity to perform interesting research for a diverse range of clients. In addition, I greatly appreciate the fact that management is open to new ideas.
Lee Katsoris, Senior Law Librarian
I am thankful for my job at Accufile for many reasons. Having a flexible schedule and visiting a different client every day is an added bonus. I have many close friends at my firms. I am also grateful to be part of such a wonderful team of librarians, library assistants, and filers.
They have helped me so many times, and I have learned a great deal from them over the years. I really appreciate everything that our management staff does for us. They support us and make sure that we have what we need to do our job. A friend of mine recently asked me if I plan to retire soon. I said no because I love my job!!
Mary Boudreau, Law Librarian
When I joined AccuFile in 2005, I had no idea that I would still be part of the team in 2021. I expected to win the Lottery long before this now but alas that hasn’t happened — yet! It’s been a very happy employment experience and I met some wonderful people at Accufile and at the law firms I went to. The majority were a pleasure to know and work beside.
Georgia mentored me from my very first day and she calmed my nervousness and showed me the ropes as only she could. I can’t compliment the management enough for their helpfulness with any requests or questions.
The flexible work schedule is wonderful and I am extremely grateful for this perk. I hope to remain a part of the AF family until the Lottery kicks in or I kick the bucket!
Susan Faretra, Library Assistant
I was laid off from my law office job in March 2020 when the pandemic hit. Since I live alone, I was scared to get sick and pretty much stayed home to protect myself. In March 2021 I saw the Accufile ad for a Library Assistant part-time. Vaccinated by then and looking for meaningful work, I responded and found a wonderful job with a great client and a super Librarian. A few months later I got another client. Thank you Accufile for returning me to the land of the living!